Practice areas Practice Areas We specialize in practicing the following legal fields All sectors Commercial SectorGovernmental SectorIndividuals Sector Commercial Sector Liquidation & Bankruptcy Commercial Sector Intellectual Property Commercial Sector, Governmental Sector, Individuals Sector Labor Commercial Sector, Individuals Sector Legacies and Endowments Commercial Sector, Governmental Sector, Individuals Sector Privatisation and PPP Commercial Sector, Governmental Sector Cybersecurity Governmental Sector Legislation and Bills Governmental Sector Council of Ministers Resolutions Commercial Sector, Governmental Sector Government Contracts Commercial Sector Capital Market Commercial Sector, Governmental Sector Tax and Customs Commercial Sector, Individuals Sector Banking, Finance and Credit Commercial Sector, Governmental Sector, Individuals Sector Real estate and construction Commercial Sector, Governmental Sector Governance Commercial Sector Franchise Commercial Sector Corporate